99% Invisible is a podcast hosted by Roman Mars that focuses on design and architecture, exploring the unnoticed or overlooked aspects of the built world around us. The podcast was first launched in 2010 and has since grown to become one of the most popular and well-respected podcasts in its genre.

99 percent invisible podcast logo

The show’s popularity can be attributed to its engaging storytelling and thoughtful exploration of topics that are often overlooked in mainstream media. Each episode is meticulously researched and produced, providing listeners with fascinating insights into the design choices that shape our world. More information read Official site.

Overall, 99% Invisible has gained a large following due to its unique perspective on the world of design and architecture, and its ability to shed light on topics that are often taken for granted or overlooked.

Why it is so popular?

99% Invisible is popular for a number of reasons.

  • One is the high quality of production, which includes creative sound design, expert storytelling, and thorough research.
  • The topics covered on the podcast are also highly engaging, ranging from design and architecture to history and culture.
  • The host, Roman Mars, is widely respected in the podcasting industry for his unique perspective and engaging delivery style.

Additionally, the podcast has won numerous awards, including a Peabody Award in 2017.

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The most popular episodes.

99% Invisible has produced over 400 episodes since its inception, covering a wide range of topics related to design, architecture, and the built environment. Some of the most popular episodes include:

  1. The Secret Lives of Color. This episode explores the history and cultural significance of different colors, from the vivid blue of Yves Klein to the vibrant red of Ferrari.
  2. The Smell of Concrete After Rain. This episode examines the complex chemical reactions that create the distinct smell of rain hitting concrete. It also explain why it’s so appealing to many people.
  3. The Great Dismal Swamp. This episode delves into the history of a vast and mysterious swamp in Virginia and North Carolina. It was a refuge for escaped slaves, once, and is now an important ecological site.
  4. The Design of Everyday Things. In this episode, 99% Invisible host Roman Mars interviews Don Norman. He is author of the influential book “The Design of Everyday Things,” about the importance of user-centered design.
  5. The Athletic Brassiere. This episode explores the surprising history of the sports bra, from its early prototypes made from jockstraps to the high-tech performance wear of today.

The criticisms

The podcasting community in generally well-receive and highly regard the 99% Invisible podcast. But there have been some criticisms of the show. Some listeners have expressed frustration with the sometimes esoteric or niche topics covered. Others have criticized the show for focusing too heavily on design and architecture to the exclusion of other topics. However, these criticisms are relatively minor and do not seem to have significantly impacted the podcast’s popularity or overall positive reputation.

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