Behind the Bastards (started on June 21, 2018) is a popular podcast that explores the worst people in history, from dictators and warlords to cult leaders and corrupt politicians. Hosted by journalist Robert Evans, the podcast delves into the lives of these infamous figures, examining their motivations, tactics, and the impact they had on the world. Read more.

Behind the Bastards Podcast Logo

One of the unique aspects of Behind the Bastards is its irreverent and humorous approach to these dark and disturbing subjects. Evans injects humor and sarcasm into his commentary, making the podcast both informative and entertaining. He also invites guests to provide additional insights and perspectives on the individuals and events discussed in each episode.


While the focus of the podcast is on the darker aspects of history, Evans does not shy away from exploring more recent and controversial topics, such as the rise of the alt-right and the history of police violence in America.

Overall, Behind the Bastards is a must-listen for anyone interested in history, politics, and true crime.

Why it is so popular

One of the reasons for Behind the Bastards popularity is the storytelling style of the host. Robert Evans weaves an engaging narrative that captivates listeners and draws them into the stories of these infamous characters. The show is also known for its humor and irreverence, which helps to balance the darker subject matter and keeps the show entertaining.

In addition, the podcast features interviews with experts and historians who provide additional context and insight into the lives of the figures being discussed. This helps to create a more comprehensive understanding of these complex individuals.

The show’s unique approach to true crime and history has garnered a dedicated following, and it has been praised for its informative and entertaining content.

The most popular episodes

Some of the most popular episodes of Behind the Bastards include:

  1. “Part One: The Worst People in the World”. A two-part episode where the host, Robert Evans, talks about some of the worst people in history.
  2. “The Birth of American Policing”. An episode that discusses the origins of modern policing in America and the many problems with it.
  3. “The Third Reich’s Favorite Drug”. An episode that explores the use of methamphetamine by the Nazis during World War II.
  4. “The CIA’s Secret LSD Experiments”. An episode that reveals the CIA’s secret experiments with LSD and their impact on individuals and society.
  5. “The Real Life Hunger Games”. An episode that examines a reality show in which participants were forced to survive in the wilderness while being hunted by other contestants.

The criticisms

One issue that has been raised is the way that the show portrays historical figures and events. Some critics have argued that the show oversimplifies complex issues and does not provide enough historical context. Others have criticized the show’s use of humor and its irreverent tone, arguing that it can be inappropriate given the serious nature of some of the topics discussed on the show. Additionally, there have been some concerns raised about the show’s use of sources and research methods. However, the show’s hosts and producers have addressed these criticisms and continue to produce new episodes.

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