Call Her Daddy is a popular podcast hosted by Alexandra Cooper, known as “Alex,” and formerly co-hosted by Sofia Franklyn. The podcast, which started in 2018, is known for its explicit discussions of sex and relationships, and has gained a large following among young adults. Official site.

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One reason for the podcast’s popularity is its frank and humorous approach to sex and relationships. Cooper and Franklyn offer advice and share personal stories, often with a lighthearted and irreverent tone that resonates with listeners.

Call Her Daddy continues to have a loyal following and remains a popular choice for listeners seeking frank discussions of sex and dating.

Why it is so popular?

The success of Call Her Daddy can be attributed to several factors.

  • One of the main reasons is the candid nature of the hosts, who are unafraid to discuss taboo topics that many people are curious about but often feel uncomfortable discussing. The show’s content also resonates with a young, predominantly female audience that is looking for a relatable and entertaining source of information about sex and relationships.
  • Another reason for the podcast’s popularity is its marketing strategy, which relies heavily on social media. The hosts use their personal social media accounts to promote each episode, often using provocative and attention-grabbing captions and hashtags to drive engagement.

Its success has spawned a book deal, a merch line, and a legion of devoted fans who eagerly await each new episode.

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The most popular episodes

Some of the most popular episodes of the podcast:

  1. “The Biggest Daddy Gang Q&A.”. The hosts answer questions from their listeners about everything from sex and relationships to personal life and career advice.
  2. “The Porn Episode.” This episode explores the world of porn and how it affects people’s relationships and views on sex.
  3. “Single Father.”. In this episode, the hosts interview a single father and discuss the challenges and rewards of being a single parent.
  4. “The Shocker.” This episode features an interview with a woman who shares her experience with a sexual act that many people find taboo.
  5. “Daddy Speaks: Breaking Down Every Hookup App.” In this episode, the hosts break down various dating and hookup apps and share their thoughts on the pros and cons of each one.

The criticisms

There have been some controversies surrounding the podcast. In 2020, the show’s co-hosts Sofia Franklyn and Alexandra Cooper had a highly publicized dispute with their employer Barstool Sports over contract negotiations. The dispute led to the show going on a hiatus and Franklyn leaving the podcast. Cooper continued the show with a new contract and a new co-host, and the podcast has continued to be popular. Additionally, some listeners have criticized the show’s content as being too explicit or offensive.

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