Darknet Diaries is a popular podcast (started in 2017) that explores the dark underbelly of the internet and delves into fascinating stories of hackers, cybercrime, and security breaches. Hosted by Jack Rhysider, a security expert and former network security engineer, the podcast offers a unique and engaging perspective on the world of cybersecurity.

Darknet Diaries Podcast Logo

Each episode of Darknet Diaries features a gripping and often chilling tale of cybercrime, with interviews with the individuals involved, and insights into the techniques and tactics used by hackers to gain access to sensitive information. Rhysider’s expertise and experience shine through in his engaging storytelling, making complex technical concepts accessible and relatable for listeners. Official site.

Why it is so popular?

  • Focus on true stories, which are often stranger than fiction. Listeners are taken on a journey into the world of hackers, where the line between good and evil is often blurred, and the stakes are high.
  • Accessibility. Rhysider has a gift for explaining complex technical topics in a way that is understandable to the average person, making the podcast appealing to both seasoned cybersecurity professionals and curious beginners.
  • Focus on cybersecurity is particularly relevant in today’s increasingly digital world, where cybercrime is becoming more prevalent and sophisticated. Darknet Diaries offers valuable insights into the world of cybersecurity and helps listeners understand the importance of protecting their digital identity and data.

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The most popular episodes

  1. EP 86: OxyMonster. The story of a darknet drug dealer known as OxyMonster. He was eventually arrested by law enforcement.
  2. EP 41: The Silk Road. This episode explores the rise and fall of the notorious online black market known as the Silk Road.
  3. EP 76: The Beirut Bank Job. The story of a group of hackers who attempted to steal millions of dollars from a Lebanese bank.
  4. EP 45: The Carder. The story of a hacker who specialized in stealing credit card information and selling it on the dark web.
  5. EP 60: The Birth of BitCoin. This episode explores the mysterious origins of the world’s most famous cryptocurrency, Bitcoin.

The criticisms

There have no any major criticisms or scandals surrounding the Darknet Diaries podcast.

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