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EconTalk is a weekly economics podcast hosted by Russ Roberts. It was started in 2006. It become one of the most popular economics podcasts. The podcast features in-depth interviews with prominent economists, authors, and other experts in the field of economics and related topics.

The podcast has a reputation for being accessible to both experts and lay listeners, with a focus on economic principles and ideas rather than current events. Roberts has a friendly and conversational style that helps to make complex economic concepts understandable to the average listener.

The podcast covered a wide range of topics, including health care reform, income inequality, and the economics of climate change.

EconTalk got a lot praises for its thought-provoking content and engaging interviews. It has won numerous awards, including the Podcast Award for Best Business Podcast in 2008 and 2012. The podcast is also citing as a valuable resource for students and researchers in economics, as well as for anyone with an interest in the subject.

EconTalk is a must-listen for anyone interested in economics and related fields. With its engaging interviews and insightful commentary, the podcast offers a valuable resource for anyone looking to stay up-to-date on the latest economic trends and ideas.

Why it is so popular?

EconTalk is a popular podcast for several reasons.

  • First, it is hosted by Russ Roberts. He is an economist, and research fellow at Stanford University’s Hoover Institution. Russ has a knack for making economic concepts accessible and engaging to listeners.
  • Second, the podcast covers a wide range of topics in economics. You can find info about current events to history, and often features conversations with notable economists, policymakers, and scholars.
  • Third, the podcast encourages critical thinking and explores diverse perspectives, which keeps listeners engaged and interested in the discussions.

Overall, EconTalk’s is popularfor its informative, engaging, and thought-provoking content that appeals to both economics experts and laypeople interested in learning more about the subject. The podcast has developed a loyal following of listeners who appreciate the deep dives into economic issues, the insightful conversations with experts, and the critical analysis of economic policies and theories.

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The most popular episodes

Some of the most popular episodes of EconTalk podcast are:

  1. Michael Pollan on Psychedelic Drugs and How to Change Your Mind
  2. Nassim Nicholas Taleb on Work, Slavery, the Minority Rule, and Skin in the Game
  3. Tyler Cowen on Stubborn Attachments, Prosperity, and the Good Society
  4. David Epstein on Mastery, Specialization, and Range
  5. Jonathan Haidt on the Coddling of the American Mind
  6. Paul Romer on Growth, Cities, and the State of Economics
  7. Russ Roberts on the Information Revolution, Politics, Yeats, and Yelling
  8. Angela Duckworth on Grit
  9. Yuval Harari on 21 Lessons for the 21st Century
  10. Gary Taubes on the Case Against Sugar

These episodes cover a wide range of topics, including economics, psychology, philosophy, health, and society. They feature in-depth discussions with experts in their respective fields, offering listeners insights and perspectives on important issues and ideas.

The criticism

EconTalk has faced some criticism over the years for its perceived bias towards free-market economic principles and its tendency to feature guests who share those views. Some have accused the host, Russ Roberts, of using leading questions to guide the discussion towards a predetermined conclusion. However, many listeners appreciate the podcast for its thought-provoking conversations and the wide range of guests it features.

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