Maintenance Phase is a podcast that explores the world of diet culture, fitness, and wellness. Hosted by Michael Hobbes and Aubrey Gordon, this podcast takes a critical look at the industries that profit from our obsession with weight loss and fitness, and examines the science behind many of the fad diets and exercise trends that dominate popular culture. The show is both informative and entertaining, featuring engaging discussions and interviews with experts in the field. Official site.

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The podcast has gained a large following since its inception, thanks to its insightful commentary on issues related to body image, health, and wellness. Many listeners appreciate the show’s nuanced approach to these complex topics, which often challenge popular beliefs and myths about diet and exercise. In addition, the hosts’ humor and chemistry make the show an engaging and enjoyable listen for anyone interested in these subjects.

Maintenance Phase has released numerous episodes that have resonated with listeners, covering a range of topics such as the history of dieting, the science behind popular diets like keto and paleo, and the ways in which the wellness industry has co-opted feminist and social justice movements.

However, many listeners appreciate the show’s dedication to examining the science behind these practices, and its commitment to promoting healthy attitudes towards body image and health.

Why it is popular?

Maintenance Phase is popular for several reasons.

  • It tackles important and timely topics related to health and wellness, such as diet culture, body positivity, and weight stigma. The hosts, Michael Hobbes and Aubrey Gordon, take a critical and evidence-based approach to these topics. Often debunking myths and challenging conventional wisdom.
  • The hosts’ engaging and accessible style. They are skilled at making complex topics understandable and relatable, while also injecting humor and personal anecdotes into the discussion.
  • Maintenance Phase has a dedicated and passionate fan base who appreciate the hosts’ commitment to social justice. And advocacy for marginalized communities.

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The most popular episodes

According to various sources, including iTunes and Spotify charts, some of the most popular episodes of the Maintenance Phase podcast are:

  1. The History of the BMI (Body Mass Index).
  2. The Twinkie Defense and the Junk Food Industry.
  3. The Fitness Industry’s Body-Shaming History.
  4. The Truth About the “Obesity Epidemic”.
  5. The Psychology of Dieting and Weight Loss.
  6. The Problem with “Before and After” Photos.
  7. The Dark Side of Weight Watchers.
  8. The Invention of the “Cheat Day”.
  9. The Myth of “Clean Eating”.
  10. The Long, Weird History of “As Seen On TV” Fitness Products.

The criticisms

There were no major scandals or criticisms surrounding the Maintenance Phase podcast. However, despite its popularity, the show has faced some criticism from those who feel that it takes an overly critical approach to certain wellness practices, or that it dismisses the experiences of people who have found success with certain diets or exercise regimens

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