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Marketplace is an American radio show and podcast that covers business, finance, and economic news. It is produced and distributed by American Public Media (APM), and the podcast is hosted by Kai Ryssdal. The show’s focus is on providing in-depth reporting and analysis on the latest business and economic news, as well as exploring how these events impact everyday people. Official site.

Marketplace has been on the air since 1989 and has become a trusted source for business news and analysis. The podcast format allows listeners to easily stay up-to-date on the latest developments in the world of business and economics, with episodes ranging in length from a few minutes to over an hour.

Marketplace also features a team of experienced reporters who cover a wide range of topics, including technology, politics, and international finance. The show’s coverage often focuses on the intersection of business and society, exploring how economic trends and policies impact individuals and communities.

Why is it so popular?

Marketplace Business News podcast is popular for its comprehensive coverage of economic and business news from around the world. The podcast is known for its in-depth analysis of current events, interviews with business leaders and experts, and insightful commentary on financial markets, industry trends, and policy developments.

  • Accessibility to a wide range of listeners, regardless of their level of knowledge or experience in finance and economics. The hosts and reporters present complex financial topics in a clear and engaging manner, making it easy for listeners to understand and stay informed.
  • Timely and relevant content. Marketplace Business News podcast provides daily updates on the latest business and economic news, which is particularly valuable to those who follow financial markets closely.
  • Marketplace Business News podcast has built a reputation for its high-quality production values and engaging format. The hosts and reporters are knowledgeable and engaging, and the podcast is well-produced with professional sound quality and music.

Overall, the podcast’s popularity can be attributed to its accessibility, relevant content, and engaging format, making it a must-listen for anyone interested in business and finance.

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The most popular episods

Marketplace produces multiple podcasts, so here are some of the most popular episodes from a few of their shows:

  1. Marketplace Morning Report: “The economics of Trump’s infrastructure plan” (February 2018)
  2. Marketplace Tech: “Big Tech wants into your wallet” (September 2020)
  3. Marketplace Weekend: “The business of food waste” (November 2016)
  4. Make Me Smart with Kai and Molly: “Why are so many women leaving the workforce?” (October 2020)

Please note that the popularity of episodes can vary depending on the time period, current events, and audience interests.

The criticism

There have not been any major scandals or criticisms related to the Marketplace Business News podcast. The show has been praised for its quality reporting and analysis of business news and trends. However, like any news outlet, there may be occasional criticisms or controversies related to specific stories or reporting.

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