Reply All is a podcast hosted by PJ Vogt and Alex Goldman, produced by Gimlet Media. The show is described as a “podcast about the internet” and explores various topics related to the online world, from obscure corners of the web to major tech companies and social media platforms. Each episode is often structured around a single story or investigation, with deep dives into the people and communities involved. Official site.

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What sets Reply All apart from other tech or internet-focused podcasts is its approachable and often humorous tone. Vogt and Goldman have a great rapport and a knack for making complex issues easy to understand, while also injecting plenty of personality and humor into their reporting.

The show has gained a large following over the years, with listeners drawn to its engaging storytelling and insightful reporting on some of the most pressing issues facing the internet today.

Why it is so popular?

There are several reasons why Reply All podcast is so popular.

  1. It is a highly engaging and entertaining show that covers a wide range of fascinating topics related to technology, the internet, and human behavior. The hosts, PJ Vogt and Alex Goldman, have great chemistry and a knack for telling compelling stories that draw in listeners.
  2. Investigative journalism and in-depth reporting, often uncovering surprising and intriguing insights into some of the most interesting and puzzling aspects of the digital world. The show’s ability to shed light on hidden corners of the internet and explore the weird and wonderful world of online culture has also contributed to its popularity.
  3. Has been around for many years and has built up a large and loyal following over time. The show has consistently delivered high-quality content, and its hosts have become trusted voices in the world of technology and media.

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The most popular episodes

Reply All is a popular podcast that covers a wide range of topics related to the internet, technology, and society. Over the years, the show has covered many fascinating and unusual stories, and some of the most popular episodes include:

  1. “The Case of the Missing Hit”. This episode explores the mystery of a song that a man remembers hearing on the radio in the 1990s. But nobody else seems to know anything about it.
  2. “Long Distance”. The hosts investigate a phone scam that preys on people’s loneliness and desperation. Leading them on a wild chase that takes them all the way to India.
  3. “Zardulu”. In this episode, the hosts investigate the story of a mysterious figure known only as Zardulu. Who may or may not be responsible for some of the most bizarre news stories in recent memory.
  4. “The Snapchat Thief”. This episode tells the story of a woman who had her phone stolen. Then she discover that the thief had inadvertently documented his life on her Snapchat account.
  5. “Super Tech Support”. This recurring segment features the hosts attempting to help listeners solve their tech-related problems. And has led to some of the most entertaining and memorable moments in the show’s history.

These episodes are just a few examples of the wide range of topics and stories covered by Reply All. And are a testament to the show’s engaging and thought-provoking content.

The criticism

There have been some controversies surrounding Reply All podcast. In February 2021, the show released an episode titled “The Test Kitchen,” which investigated allegations of a toxic and racist work environment at Bon Appétit’s video channel. However, after the episode was released, it was revealed that one of the hosts, PJ Vogt, had worked with a member of the Bon Appétit team he was reporting on and had allegedly participated in the problematic workplace culture. This led to Vogt and his co-host Alex Goldman apologizing and stepping back from the show temporarily. Additionally, former Reply All host and producer Sruthi Pinnamaneni was accused of creating a toxic work environment by multiple colleagues in a 2020 article published by The Cut. She subsequently left the show. These events have led to some criticism and scrutiny of the show’s reporting and workplace culture.

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