The TechCrunch podcast, also known as “Equity,” is a weekly show that covers the latest news and trends in the tech industry. The podcast is hosted by a team of journalists and industry experts. They share their insights and analysis on everything from the latest funding rounds and startup acquisitions to major product launches and regulatory developments. Official site.

Each episode typically features a roundtable discussion with guests who provide diverse perspectives on the top stories of the week. In addition to news and analysis, the show also includes interviews with founders, investors, and other tech luminaries. They offer their own unique insights into the industry.

The TechCrunch podcast has gained a large following due to its engaging and informative content, as well as its lively and entertaining hosts. Listeners include both tech industry insiders and those simply interested in staying up-to-date on the latest trends and developments in the space.

Why it is so popular?

The TechCrunch podcast is popular for several reasons.

  • It features interviews with industry leaders, entrepreneurs, investors, and innovators in the tech world, providing insights and perspectives on the latest trends and developments.
  • The podcast covers a wide range of topics, from startups and venture capital to cybersecurity and social media. That making it relevant to a broad audience.
  • The podcast is hosted by experienced journalists and industry experts who are able to distill complex topics into easily digestible content for listeners.

Listen The TechCrunch Podcast Online

The most popular episodes

Episodes that are often mentioned as favorites by TechCrunch podcast listeners:

  1. “Can Apple still innovate?”. This episode features a discussion about Apple’s innovation track record. Whether the company can continue to release groundbreaking products in the future.
  2. “What’s the future of online privacy?”. This episode explores the topic of online privacy and how it’s being impacted by new technologies and changing attitudes.
  3. “The rise of influencer marketing”. In this episode, the hosts discuss the phenomenon of influencer marketing and how it’s changing the advertising landscape.
  4. “The future of work”. This episode examines how technology is changing the way we work and what the future of work might look like.
  5. “The challenges and opportunities of AI”. In this episode, the hosts discuss the potential of artificial intelligence and the challenges and ethical questions that come with it.

The criticism

The TechCrunch podcast has not been involved in any major scandals or controversies. However, like any media outlet, they may receive criticism or differing opinions on their content and reporting.

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