TED Talks Education is a podcast series that features TED talks related to education. It is a spin-off of the TED Talks podcast. It was created in collaboration with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. The podcast covers a wide range of topics related to education, from early childhood education to higher education and lifelong learning.

The podcast features talks by educators, researchers, and innovators from around the world. They discuss innovative ideas and strategies for improving education. The speakers on the podcast include well-known figures in the education field. For example: Sir Ken Robinson, Sal Khan, and Angela Lee Duckworth.

The podcast is hosted by a variety of presenters, including TED curator Chris Anderson and a number of guest hosts. The format of the podcast typically involves a presenter introducing the speaker and their talk. After that, followed by the speaker’s presentation, which lasts around 15-20 minutes. Some episodes also include follow-up conversations or interviews with the speaker.

Why TED Education podcast is so popular

It is popular for several reasons.

  • Firstly, TED Talks Education features renowned speakers and educators. Thay share their experiences and expertise on a variety of topics related to education. This includes topics like education reform, classroom innovations, teaching techniques, and educational technology. The podcast provides insights into current and emerging trends in education and inspires educators to try new ideas and approaches.
  • Secondly, TED Talks Education is a platform that brings together educators from around the world. The podcast encourages discussions and exchanges of ideas among educators. It creates a community of like-minded individuals who are passionate about education.
  • Finally, TED Talks Education is presented in an engaging and accessible format. The speakers are skilled at communicating complex ideas in a way that is understandable and interesting to a broad audience. This makes the podcast accessible to educators, students, parents, and anyone who is interested in education and wants to learn more about it.

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Most popular episodes

TED Talks Education podcast features a wide range of episodes covering a variety of topics related to education, teaching, and learning. Some of the most popular episodes include:

  1. Sir Ken Robinson: How to escape education’s death valley. In this talk, Sir Ken Robinson discusses the need for creativity and innovation in education. He argues that the current education system is failing students by focusing too much on standardized testing.
  2. Salman Khan: Let’s use video to reinvent education. In this talk, Salman Khan discusses how he founded Khan Academy. It is non-profit organization that provides free online education to anyone, anywhere.
  3. Carol Dweck: The power of believing that you can improve. In this talk, Carol Dweck discusses the concept of a growth mindset. How it can help students become more motivated and successful learners.
  4. Rita Pierson: Every kid needs a champion. In this talk, Rita Pierson emphasizes the importance of building positive relationships with students. She encourages educators to be “champions” for every child in their classrooms.
  5. Sugata Mitra: The child-driven education. In this talk, Sugata Mitra shares his research on self-directed learning. He describes how children can teach themselves and each other in a “cloud school” environment.

The criticism

There have not been any major scandals or controversies surrounding the TED Talks Education podcast. However, like any media platform, it is possible that some individuals may have criticized specific episodes or topics discussed on the podcast. Listeners know TED for its rigorous curation process and commitment to presenting high-quality, thought-provoking content, so any criticisms are likely to be minor and few and far between.

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