The Cult of Pedagogy Podcast is a popular educational podcast hosted by Jennifer Gonzalez, an experienced educator and instructional coach. The podcast is dedicated to providing practical and research-based strategies to help teachers improve their teaching practices, increase student engagement, and create a more positive and inclusive learning environment.

The Cult of Pedagogy website, which includes the podcast, was started in 2013. Since then, the podcast has grown in popularity and has become a go-to resource for many teachers seeking to improve their practice. Jennifer continues to produce regular episodes, with new content released on a weekly basis.

Overall, The Cult of Pedagogy Podcast is an excellent resource for any teacher who wants to improve their practice, connect with other educators, and stay up-to-date on the latest trends and research in education. Jennifer’s expertise and passion for teaching shine through in every episode, making it a must-listen for educators at all levels.

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The Cult of Pedagogy Podcast is popular

  • Firstly, the podcast provides practical and research-based strategies that teachers can implement in their classrooms. Jennifer Gonzalez is an experienced educator and instructional coach who draws on her own experience and the latest research to provide actionable advice for teachers.
  • Secondly, the podcast covers a wide range of topics related to education, including classroom management, teaching strategies, assessment, technology integration, and social-emotional learning. This broad scope means that there is something for every teacher, regardless of their subject area or teaching level. Each episode features interviews with experts in the field, as well as practical tips and ideas that teachers can implement in their classrooms right away.
  • Thirdly, Jennifer’s engaging and approachable style makes the podcast feel like a conversation with a trusted colleague. She speaks candidly about her own experiences and challenges as a teacher, which helps listeners feel like they are not alone in their struggles. Her warmth and humor also make the podcast enjoyable to listen to.
  • Fourthly, The Cult of Pedagogy Podcast has built a strong community of teachers who connect with each other through the podcast’s private Facebook group, as well as through other online platforms. This community provides support, encouragement, and a space for teachers to share their experiences and insights.

Overall, The Cult of Pedagogy Podcast’s combination of practical advice, broad scope, engaging style, and strong community has made it a popular and valuable resource for teachers around the world.

The most popular episodes

The Cult of Pedagogy Podcast has produced many popular episodes over the years, covering a wide range of topics related to education. Here are some of the most popular episodes:

  1. Episode 161: “10 Strategies to Improve Student Memory”. This episode provides practical strategies for helping students improve their memory and retention of information.
  2. Episode 147: “Teaching in a Hybrid Classroom”. With the rise of hybrid and online learning, this episode provides tips and strategies for teachers navigating this new environment.
  3. Episode 130: “The Power of Classroom Discussion”. This episode explores the benefits of classroom discussion and provides strategies for facilitating effective discussions.
  4. Episode 115: “What Is Trauma-Informed Teaching?”. This episode provides an introduction to trauma-informed teaching and how teachers can support students who have experienced trauma.
  5. Episode 82: “How to Cultivate a Love of Reading”. This episode provides strategies for helping students develop a love of reading. It is including creating a positive reading culture in the classroom and matching students with books they will enjoy.
  6. Episode 68: “The Power of Play”. This episode explores the importance of play in learning. It provides examples of how teachers can incorporate play into their teaching practice.
  7. Episode 45: “Managing Student Behavior with Restorative Practices”. This episode explores restorative practices, an approach to managing student behavior that focuses on repairing harm and restoring relationships.

These episodes are just a few examples of the many informative and engaging episodes that was produced over the years.

The criticism

There may be some criticism or differing opinions about the strategies and approaches presented in the podcast. Some listeners may disagree with certain ideas or find that they do not work in their specific teaching context. However, Jennifer is known for presenting a wide range of strategies and ideas and encourages listeners to use their professional judgment to determine what will work best for them and their students.

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