The Indicator from Planet Money is a podcast that provides daily insights into the economy, finance, and business. Hosted by Stacey Vanek Smith and Cardiff Garcia, the show covers a wide range of topics in a fun and engaging way, from the latest economic data to quirky stories about the world of money.

The Indicator From Planet Money Logo

The show is produced by NPR, and draws on the expertise of the Planet Money team, who are known for their ability to explain complex economic concepts in an accessible and entertaining way. Each episode is short and sweet, clocking in at just under ten minutes, making it the perfect way to stay up-to-date on the latest economic news while on the go. Official site.

One of the things that sets The Indicator apart is its focus on the human side of economics. The show often features interviews with real people who are impacted by economic trends and policies, offering a unique perspective on the issues that affect us all.

Why it is so popular?

  • First and foremost, The Indicator delivers quick and informative insights into the world of economics and finance. In just a few minutes, listeners can learn about complex economic topics and how they impact our daily lives. The hosts, Stacey Vanek Smith and Cardiff Garcia, have a knack for explaining these topics in a way that is accessible and engaging to listeners of all backgrounds.
  • Another reason for the podcast’s popularity is its focus on current events and trends. The Indicator covers topics ranging from the latest stock market trends to the economic impact of major news events like elections and natural disasters. This timely and relevant content keeps listeners coming back for more.
  • The podcast’s format is also a major factor in its success. At just 10 minutes per episode, The Indicator is easy to fit into a busy schedule and provides a quick burst of informative content. The hosts also inject their own personalities and humor into each episode, making the show both informative and entertaining.

Listen The Indicator from Planet Money Podcast Online

The most popular episodes

According to the podcast’s website, some of the most popular episodes based on listener feedback and ratings include:

  1. “Why Did Women Leave The Workforce?” Which explores the reasons why many women have dropped out of the workforce during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  2. “What Happens When A State Runs Out Of Unemployment Money?” Which examines the consequences of states running out of unemployment benefits during the pandemic.
  3. “The Case For Reparations”. Which discusses the idea of reparations for African Americans as a way to address the historical injustices of slavery and discrimination.
  4. “The Invisible Hand Of The Shipping Container”. Which tells the story of how the humble shipping container revolutionized global trade.
  5. “The Indicator Goes To Space!”. Which explores the economics of space exploration and the commercialization of the final frontier.

The criticisms

There have not been any major scandals or controversies surrounding The Indicator from Planet Money. The podcast has generally been well-received and has developed a strong following among listeners interested in economics and business news. However, like any media outlet, it is possible that some listeners may have had criticisms or disagreements with specific episodes or topics covered on the show.

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