The Rich Roll Podcast (started in 2012) is a popular podcast that focuses on health, wellness, and personal development. Hosted by Rich Roll, a wellness advocate, author, and ultra-endurance athlete. The podcast features interviews with a variety of guests from all walks of life, including athletes, doctors, authors, entrepreneurs, and artists. Read more.

One of the key themes of the podcast is the importance of plant-based nutrition and a healthy lifestyle. Rich Roll himself is a proponent of a plant-based diet and has completed several ultra-endurance events, including the Epic5 Challenge. The events involved completing five Ironman-distance triathlons on five different Hawaiian islands in under a week.


Each episode of The Rich Roll Podcast delves deep into the guest’s personal journey, exploring their struggles, successes, and what they have learned along the way. Topics covered include everything from mindfulness and meditation to entrepreneurship and social justice.

The podcast has gained a large following due to its inspirational and informative content, as well as Rich Roll’s engaging interview style. Some of the most popular episodes include interviews with David Goggins, an ultra-endurance athlete and former Navy SEAL, and Dr. Rhonda Patrick, a biomedical scientist and expert in nutrition, metabolism, and aging.

Why it is so popular?

The Rich Roll Podcast is popular for several reasons.

  • Firstly, it features insightful and thought-provoking conversations with a wide range of guests, including athletes, celebrities, authors, and experts in various fields.
  • Secondly, the host, Rich Roll, is a highly respected ultra-endurance athlete, bestselling author, and wellness advocate, which adds to the credibility and authenticity of the show.
  • Thirdly, the podcast is known for its emphasis on personal growth, wellness, and spirituality, which resonates with many listeners who are seeking to improve their lives and well-being.
  • Finally, the podcast has gained a loyal following over the years due to its consistent production quality, engaging format, and the rapport between Rich Roll and his guests.

The most popular episodes

Some of the most popular episodes of The Rich Roll Podcast according to listener ratings and reviews include:

  1. “David Sinclair on Extending Human Lifespan”
  2. “Matthew McConaughey is Greenlights and Livin'”
  3. “Dr. Michael Greger on Preventing and Reversing Disease through Nutrition”
  4. “Ray Dalio on Principles, the Power of Radical Transparency, and Creating a Culture of Excellence”
  5. “Johann Hari on the Real Causes of Depression and Anxiety and the Unexpected Solutions”

These episodes cover a wide range of topics, from health and wellness to personal growth and development. And feature interviews with prominent experts and celebrities in their respective fields.

The criticisms

Criticism of The Rich Roll Podcast has been limited. Some listeners expressing frustration at the length of some episodes, which can run up to three hours. However, many fans appreciate the in-depth exploration of topics and the opportunity to hear from a diverse range of guests. Overall, The Rich Roll Podcast has maintained a positive reputation for its inspiring content. And insightful interviews with notable figures in the health and wellness community.

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