The Weeds is a popular podcast hosted by Vox Media. It explores American policy and politics. The podcast was started in 2014. Since then The Weeds become one of the most popular political podcasts. The hosts, Matthew Yglesias, Dara Lind, and Jane Coaston, are all experts in their respective fields and provide deep insights into policy discussions happening in the United States.

Some of the most popular episodes of The Weeds have covered topics like healthcare policy, tax reform, and immigration. The podcast has also tackled hot-button political issues like police reform, gun control, and the Supreme Court. The Weeds has a large and dedicated audience, who appreciate its nuanced approach to policy analysis. More information.

Why is it so popular?

The Weeds podcast is popular for its in-depth and insightful discussions on various policy and political issues. The podcast delves into the policy details that most news media outlets skim over, providing listeners with a deep understanding of complex issues. The hosts, Matthew Yglesias, Sarah Kliff, and Ezra Klein, are all knowledgeable journalists with strong backgrounds in policy and political reporting, which lends credibility to their analysis and commentary. Additionally, the podcast features engaging and lively debates between the hosts, often presenting contrasting viewpoints on complex issues. The Weeds also benefits from a loyal and engaged audience who appreciate the show’s intellectual rigor and ability to break down complex issues in an accessible way.

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What are the most popular episodes?

Some of the most popular episodes of The Weeds podcast include:

  1. “The Weeds Book Club: The Tyranny of Metrics” (Season 3, Episode 26)
  2. “The Weeds Book Club: Why We’re Polarized” (Season 5, Episode 31)
  3. “The Weeds Book Club: Capitalism in America” (Season 4, Episode 13)
  4. “The Weeds Book Club: The Fifth Risk” (Season 3, Episode 3)
  5. “The Weeds Book Club: The Once and Future Worker” (Season 3, Episode 18)

These episodes are part of The Weeds Book Club series, where the hosts discuss and review various books related to politics, economics, and policy.

The criticism

Some listeners have forced the podcast for its progressive bias. Another have accused the hosts of being too one-sided in their discussions, which may alienate more conservative listeners. Some listeners may criticize the show for being too dense or wonky in its discussion of policy issues.

Overall, the podcast has generally received positive reviews and has built a strong following among those interested in policy and politics.

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